Claudia Pavani
Universidade de São Paulo - Brasil
Title: Personalized Medicine in Brazil: new paradigm, old problems
Dr Claudia Pavani has her expertise in innovation and startups, especially health technologies. Her passion is in improving the health and wellbeing. She believes all people have the right to live with access to the best health technologies. Health is for everybody not only for the rich. She works in the private sector and also collaborates with academy. She works in a Brazilian Venture Capital company and is part of Center For Technology Policy And Management PGT – University of São Paulo. PGT aims to produce knowledge through advanced research in cooperation with the best centers; to develop skills for the exercise of executive, public management, and academic leadership functions, and generate solutions which help society to make innovation a structuring axis of progress.
Statement of the problem: personalized medicine - PM comprises a set of procedures, technologies and drugs that have gained strength since the 2000s with the mapping of the human genome. In developed countries, these new technologies have been introduced into public health. In Brazil, a developing country, the discussions and practice are in the beginnings. What are the obstacles for personalized medicine to be practiced in public health in Brazil?
The method of research was a case study in the public complex Hospital das Clínicas, the hospital of the University of São Paulo Medicine Faculty, and its ecosystem. The ecosystem subset studied was the Secretary of Health of the State of São Paulo - SES, Brazilian Commission for the Incorporation of Health Technology, investors, healthcare Brazilian consolidated companies and startups. 22 in-depth interviews were conducted with actors seeking to identify current practices in personalized medicine, the forward thinking of actors and obstacles to innovations in personalized medicine in public health during 2016 and 2018. São Paulo is the major State in Brazil and Hospital das Clínicas is its most important tertiary care center.
The obstacles to the adoption of personalized medicine technologies were analyzed and grouped according to the characteristic dimensions of the health system, technologies and objectives of the organizations of the case study, seeking to relate them to the stages of the health technology life cycle - research, innovation, initial diffusion, incorporation and wide use. The obstacles are from both the immaturity of the ecosystem and the characteristics of new technologies.
This is a case study, so the findings cannot be extrapolated to other contexts. A limited number of professionals was interviewed; their opinions may not reflect those of their organizations.
There are several studies that discuss how health systems in developed countries may incorporate new technologies, but few in developing countries.