Surabhi Misra
Head Dept. Of Psychology India.
Title: Anxiety, Stress and depression in orphans with special reference to intervention effect of Bhagwat Gita
An epitome of all the scriptures, the life breath, heart and image of lord itself, the Bhagwat Gita is considered an unfaith omable ocean of wisdom. It is a dialogue between two individuals, Lord Krishna and his disciple Arjun in the battle field where there was a war between Kauravas and Panavas for control of Hastinapur Kingdom. Gita contains more the subject matter for personality development and behaviour modification rather then a religious book. In contains 18 chapters with about 701 Shlokas narrating different levels of human mind and its processes.
Different chapters critically deal with the various forms of anxiety, stress and depression of human beings and also management of stress and rectification of behaviour through CBT person centred approach, psychoanalyses etc. Anxiety is a mental health disorder characterised by feeling of worry, from threat etc, strong enough to interfere with one’s daily actuaries. Stress may be defined as one’s body’s reaction to challenge or demand, It may be both positive and negative i.e. any feeling of emotion or physical tension. A mood disorder characterised by low mood feeling of sadness and a general loss of interest in things may be termed as depression. A child is considered an orphan if he/she is deprived of parent’s love and care (Whether due to their demise separation or abandoning the child soon after birth).
The child living with such unfortunate fate is vulnerable to situations of anxiety, stress and depression in any and almost every phase of life.The present study is an effort to compute the above mentioned 3 behavioural disorders in orphan children and also to measure if there is any change in the behaviour after administering the intervention effect of recitation and reading sessions of Bhagwat Gita for at least 3 months.
Methodology : - A sample of 100 students was chosen from the orphanage of Kanpur City. A consolidated test on Anxiety, Stress and depression (ADSS) constructed by Dr. Pallavi Bhatnagar was used as the tool, within group (pre and post design) was applied for the study.
Findings : - A pilol study of 100 students was conducted, after screening 60 students who ranked high in anxiety, stress and depression were chosen for the study. After applying the intervention effect the sample was again tested , the effect of intervention effect was that the level of anxiety lowered stress and depression also showed some positive symptoms.
Conclusion : - Bhagwat Gita blends the two paths together – God realization and self realization and focuses on action, worship and knowledge altogether, Its ability to interact with the environment by one’s intellect (buddhi) explains state of enlightenment and thus helps maintain the positivity of mind, speech and body.